Terms & Condition

Welcome and thank you for visiting doxadigital.com ("Site"), a digital marketing service site operated by PT. Doxadigital Indonesia ("Doxa"). In order to ensure your comfort in using the Site, we present the terms and conditions for using the Site, content, services and features on our Site. Please read these Terms of Service carefully.

1. Registration Some of our services are related to third parties. Registration on our Site is only for the purpose of accessing billing and tutorials. You are required to understand the terms of service (terms of service) of our partners.

2. Accounts and Services If you create an account on our Site, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur on your account and other actions taken in connection with it. Providing false contact information in any form may result in the termination of your account. You must notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or other security breach. We will not be responsible for any actions or omissions by you, including any losses resulting from such actions or omissions. We may suspend, disable, or delete your account (or any part thereof) if we decide that you have violated any of the terms of this Agreement or that your behavior or content will tend to damage our reputation and goodwill. If we delete your account for the reasons above, you will not be able to re-register for our Services. We may block your email address and Internet protocol address to prevent further registration.

3. Privacy Policy Our Privacy Policy discloses our policy for handling your personal data when you access our Site. Regular and continuous use of the Site indicates your consent to our Privacy Policy. You can read the Privacy Policy by accessing http://doxadigital.com/kebijakan-privasi/.

4. Termination of Services and Site Standoutdigital may terminate or modify the services or features on the Site at any time and without prior notice.

5. User Obligations Users of the StandoutDigital Site must be subject to the laws and regulations in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. You are prohibited from uploading or transmitting through our Site any material or other matter that:

  • Harasses, abuses, demeans, intimidates individuals or groups based on religion, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, race, or physical disability.
  • Violates or infringes on the rights of others, including but not limited to patent rights, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, publicity or other proprietary rights.
  • Contains viruses or other computer code, files or programs that may interfere with, damage or limit the function of computer software or hardware or communications equipment, or allow unauthorized use of computers or computer networks.
  • Offensive, provocative and or hostile between Tribes, Religions, Races and Inter-Groups (SARA).
  • Violates the law, threatens, insults, harasses, defames, defames, deceives, cheats, or incites hatred of a particular person or group.
  • Spreading a certain ideology or teaching that is in principle prohibited by law in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Violates moral norms, obscene, pornography.
  • Contains words or images that cause feelings of horror, rudeness, dirtiness, and swearing.
  • Violates the Terms of Service, instructions or other policies on the StandoutDigital Site.
  • Encourages or suggests acts that violate the law.

In Using the Standout Digital Site You Agree To:

  • Provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information about yourself when filling out the registration form on the Site.
  • Be responsible for the protection and backup of data and/or equipment used.
  • Maintain the security of your password and identification.
  • Accept all risks of unauthorized access to registration information and data.
  • Maintain and periodically update information about yourself and other information accurately, up-to-date and complete.

You are prohibited from using Standout Digital websites or Content:

  • In any way or manner that may damage, disable, overload or disrupt the Site's servers or networks.
  • For any purpose that violates the law.
  • To ask others to perform or participate in actions that violate the law.
  • Violate any regulations, rules, laws, or terms.
  • Violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Abuse, abuse, insult, harm, defame, defame, belittle, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, nationality, or disability.
  • Sending false or misleading information, such as changing content data, editing without mentioning the source, and any other actions that can be considered misleading or incorrect information according to applicable regulations.
  • Uploading or transmitting viruses or other types of malicious code that will or may be used in any way
  • Collecting or tracking the personal information of others.
  • For spam, phishing, pharming, pretexting, spidering, crawling, or scraping.
  • For lewd or immoral purposes; or to interfere with or circumvent the security features of the Services or related sites, other sites, or the Internet.

You acknowledge and agree that if you commit any of the above prohibitions, Doxa has the right to terminate your use of the Services or Doxa sites.

You acknowledge and agree that Doxa will cooperate fully with any law enforcement officials or court orders requesting or directing the administrator to disclose the identity of anyone who uploads material or information as described above.

6. Intellectual Property Use of our Site, Content and Services does not transfer to you any intellectual property rights owned by Doxadigital or any third party. All designs, images, artwork, audio, video and programming code ("Content") on this Site are copyrighted by Doxa. You are not permitted to modify, copy, alter or add to the designs, images, artwork, audio, video and programming code in this facility under any circumstances or conditions.

7. Limitation of Liability To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Doxadigital, its affiliates, directors, employees, or licensors be liable to anyone for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, revenue, sales, goodwill, use of content, impact on business, business interruption, loss of anticipated savings, loss of business opportunity) including, without limitation, contract, warranty, tort, negligence or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or could have foreseen such damages.

8. Third Party Relationships Any content or service owned by a third party that cooperates with Doxa is not the responsibility of Doxa. Doxa will make its best efforts to evaluate, improve, and/or eliminate content or services that are deemed to violate the policy of use or the laws applicable in Indonesia.

9. Monitoring You agree that we are not responsible for the content provided by others. We have no obligation to check such content, but we have the right to refuse to post or edit content that is submitted. We have the right to remove content for a variety of reasons, but we are not responsible for the failure or delay in removing such material.

10. Official Sites StandoutDigital.ID and Standout.Web.ID are the official sites of Standout Digital services. Doxa is responsible for this site. Any attempt to imitate the name and appearance, create sites and advertise them as official Standout Digital sites and/or create redirect links to this site without the permission of PT. Doxadigital and for commercial purposes is illegal and violates the law.

11. Links to Other Sites This site may be linked to other sites, we do not, directly or indirectly, imply any endorsement, association, sponsorship, support, or affiliation with the linked sites, unless specifically stated here. We are not responsible for reviewing or evaluating, and we do not guarantee the offerings of, any business or individual or the content of their sites. We are not responsible or liable for the actions, products, services, and content of other third parties. You should carefully review the legal statements and other terms of use of any sites you access through links from these sites. Your link to sites other than outside sites is at your own risk. Any agreements and transactions between you and advertisers on Standout Digital and Doxadigital sites are between you and the advertiser and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any loss or claims that may result from agreements or transactions between you and the advertiser.

12. Changes to Terms of Service Standout Digital may replace, add or reduce these Terms of Service. You are bound by any such changes and therefore you should periodically check this page to check the Terms of Service that apply and bind you.

13. Agreement to Terms of Service You acknowledge that you have read and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Terms of Service. By using this site and/or its Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.

14. Other Questions For other questions related to the protection of terms of service, you can send them via email to info@doxadigital.com