Social Media

Facebook organic reach only 1-2%? Time for facebook to monatize

December 9, 2024

Believe it or not? The organic reach of your Facebook page to your fans will soon drastically decline, at least this is what has happened over the past six months, as reported by the Valleywag blog, which oftencovers news from Silicon Valley (read: “Facebook Is Ending the Free Ride”).

This means that large companies like Nike, which have accumulated 16 million fans, may only reach around 160,000 of them when they post updates on their fan page.

Note: If you’re a Facebook user, don’t worry. Facebook has no plans to monetize through its users, so Facebook will remain free.

Read Also: Check out 7 Benefits of Facebook Ads for Your Business

A Brief History of Facebook Organic Reach

Since the launch of Facebook Pages for businesses in 2007, organic reach (without ads) has been declining. In April 2012, Facebook announced that fan pages could only reach an average of 16% of their fans.

However, a leading agency in New York, Ogilvy, conducted research from international brands across 106 countries, and the results were quite surprising. By October 2013, the average organic reach had dropped to 12%, and by February, it further declined to 6.15%. Even 23 Facebook Pages with more than 500,000 likes experienced the most significant drop, from 4.04% in October to 2.11% in February. (Read the full article here: Brands’ Organic Facebook Reach Has Crashed Since October: Study)

Last summer, Facebook admitted that one of the reasons for the decrease in organic reach was the limited space in the users’ ‘newsfeed/timeline’ due to the increasing number of advertisers. They even began signaling that at some point, there may be no space left for organic posts!

What Should You, as a Business Owner or Brand, Do?

It seems that over time, you will gradually be “forced” to start using Facebook Ads to “advertise” your brand to your fans.

However, there is some good news. Brian Carter, one of the founders of Moz, a company specializing in inbound marketing apps, conducted a study with encouraging results. He found that when spending on media buying to reach 1,000 people across various media platforms, Facebook Ads is the cheapest medium.

This means that if you spend $1 on Facebook Ads, you can reach 4,000 people. Isn’t that affordable? Read the full news on Moz-FB Ads here.

The Solution with FB Ads?

The fact that organic reach has been declining is no longer a surprise, and various studies have confirmed it. The current challenge for business owners and brands is to plan promotions through Facebook Ads carefully.

Expensive? I don’t think so. I agree with Brian Carter’s statement, “If you can’t spend $30 a month ($1 every day on Facebook Ads), then you probably shouldn’t be in business!”

You just need to plan carefully and strategically.

Interested in planning an advertising strategy using Facebook Ads or Google AdWords? Contact our digital team or call 021-5324093.

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