Use 3rd Party SEO Services? Here are 4 Things to Note

December 9, 2024

Thinking of Using a Third-Party SEO Service? Here’s What to Prepare Before Starting Your SEO Project
For over 10 years, we have been providing SEO services to our clients. We’ve learned that these 4 things are crucial to consider regarding your site’s access before an SEO project is launched:

1. Who is Responsible for Updates (and How Often?)

There are three people who could be responsible for updates: you, your SEO provider, or your web developer (if your web developer is different from your SEO consultant). If you and your team will be responsible, make sure there’s a commitment, or at least a target, for the changes that need to be made. You don’t want to end up with disappointing results because updates weren’t implemented as requested. If your SEO provider is given access, ensure they provide reports on the changes made. We’ve had cases where a client made around 1 billion IDR, but due to lack of coordination on update responsibilities, the site was hacked. The web developer, SEO consultant, and client all pointed fingers about who should be responsible for the fix. From this experience, make sure there are clear rules regarding update responsibilities.

2. Is it WordPress, Joomla, or Custom CMS?

WordPress is known for its highly flexible SEO settings, but that doesn’t mean other applications can’t be optimized for SEO. However, two key features can greatly help your SEO efforts:

  • Can you customize the URL of each page?
  • Can you change the meta title and description for each page?

In addition to the ability to update site content, these two features are vital for achieving maximum SEO results.

Read Also: Prefer WordPress vs Joomla (or Drupal) Web Development?

3. SEO is Local Wisdom

This means SEO campaigns heavily depend on the language of the site. For example, if you want to run an SEO campaign for the keyword “Online Store” but your site is in English and uses the term “Online Store,” it will be difficult to rank. Make sure to use local language if you want to rank in the top 10 on Google for a local market. If your market is in Indonesia, using Bahasa Indonesia will make it easier for your site to rank.

4. SEO is a Content Marketing Strategy

We’ve once turned down a high-value SEO project because the site was too filled with images! You need to understand that in the world of SEO services, no consultant can guarantee a top 10 ranking. From our experience, sites that are filled only with images will find it harder to reach the top 10 because Googlebot (Google’s Spider for indexing) can’t perform detailed profiling on site visitors. Therefore, make sure you prepare the best content for your site before reaching out to an SEO agency.

Read Also: What is Content Marketing, How to Start Content Marketing and How to Start the Strategy?

These four points are your initial preparations for an SEO campaign. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to or, if you’re interested in inviting Doxadigital as your SEO consultant, click here or call 021-5324093.

Thank you.

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