Tokopedia Ads to Advance Online Business

When running a business, companies must carefully consider the types of promotions they can implement. One alternative is using Tokopedia ads. As an online marketplace, Tokopedia is aware of consumer interest, making it one of the largest marketplaces in Indonesia. Unfortunately, many still don’t know about or fully utilize the promotional features offered by Tokopedia. To better understand, let’s review the full details below!
What is Tokopedia Ads?
This ad is referred to as the TopAds feature. Merchants who want their products to sell on Tokopedia are encouraged to optimize this feature. Based on surveys conducted by Tokopedia, merchants who use this feature typically experience significant profits compared to those who do not. This is because the products will appear in the main search results. While there is a cost to run TopAds on Tokopedia, the cost is relatively low, so merchants can utilize it without worry and benefit from the ease of running their business on Tokopedia.
Difference Between Tokopedia Ads and CPAS Tokopedia
When deciding on which type of ad to choose on Tokopedia, you may find yourself confused, especially when distinguishing between Tokopedia Ads and CPAS Tokopedia. When selling on Tokopedia, you have the opportunity to use Tokopedia’s ad feature, which helps maximize product sales. Tokopedia Ads typically only appear on the e-commerce page itself. In contrast, CPAS Tokopedia is a collaborative advertising feature between Facebook and Tokopedia, allowing your products on Tokopedia to appear on Facebook and Instagram as well. This undoubtedly boosts customer interest in the advertised products.
Read More: What is Facebook CPAS and its Benefits for Businesses
What are the Advantages of Tokopedia Ads?
Speaking of advantages, sellers can achieve significantly higher sales compared to not using Tokopedia Ads. This happens because when you use this feature, your advertised products will appear at the top of the search results for the relevant category. Another advantage is that the cost of using this advertising feature is relatively affordable, making it easier for businesses to promote their products and increase recognition. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use this feature to attract more customers.
Types of Ads on Tokopedia
A. Product Ads
Product ads are ads that can appear in several placements at once. The timing of when this type of ad appears depends on several factors, such as the search terms used or the name of the product being advertised. Additionally, the appearance of these ads can be influenced by product category, performance reviews, and sales figures. By using this type of ad, you are likely to boost sales on Tokopedia, as your products will have a greater chance of appearing on the first page of search results, which increases visibility and sales potential.
Auto Ads
As the name suggests, Tokopedia Auto Ads automatically runs ads. You simply set a daily budget, and Tokopedia will optimize which products to advertise, how much budget to allocate, and what the bid amount should be. Once activated, Tokopedia manages all product ads automatically, and as a seller, you cannot make detailed adjustments. This system offers convenience for business owners, allowing them to advertise products without having to worry about selecting which products to promote.
Manual Ads
Unlike automatic ads, when you use manual ads, you can select which products to advertise. The cost for this type of ad is pay-per-click, and you will need to choose the most relevant keywords for your business. You also need to set a bid amount to compete with other products, which is known as bidding.
B. Store Ads
Store ads, also known as Tokopedia’s main ads, are easily understood because they have their own placement, distinct from product or keyword ads. These ads will appear as banners at the top of the search results page. You can use Tokopedia store ads as an alternative to other ad types. The promoted products will appear in a banner, not in the product list of the search results. Therefore, you don’t need to enter keywords again for this type of business ad, and it’s essential to consider the keywords carefully when setting up your campaigns.
C. Tokopedia Display Network Ads
Tokopedia sellers should know that Tokopedia now offers a new ad feature through the Tokopedia Display Network. This ad type is a new advertising solution from TopAds that allows sellers to display banner ads that will appear on strategic pages within Tokopedia. Some of the strategic pages include product pages, search result pages, inbox pages, and loyalty pages. These strategic placements are ideal for attracting attention from potential buyers. Additionally, sellers can enjoy other benefits from using this unique advertising feature on Tokopedia.
Cost of Tokopedia Ads
As previously mentioned, TopAds is an advertising feature for stores and products that all Tokopedia merchants can use. This feature allows business owners to advertise their products at a cost ranging from IDR 250 to IDR 350 per click, depending on the product category. Many categories are available within the app.
It’s important to note that TopAds is currently only accessible through the Tokopedia desktop version and the seller app. The TopAds feature follows a pay-per-click (CPC) model, meaning you will only pay when users click on your product or store ad. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the TopAds refund method, which allows you to set refund amounts ranging from IDR 100,000 to IDR 500,000.
TopAds facilitates effective advertising, ensuring your store’s products appear on strategic pages such as search results, the homepage, categories, and other key areas. With TopAds, your store’s products can appear at the top of the page and be more easily found. This way, your products will reach more potential buyers and maximize sales. So, don’t hesitate to utilize Tokopedia Ads to increase your business’s sales.
Running advertising campaigns requires careful consideration and the right strategy. As an alternative, to avoid confusion with the necessary procedures, you can seek assistance from a Digital Marketing Agency in Indonesia to handle Tokopedia ad placements and optimize TopAds to its full potential. Free consultation available!
Halo! Perkenalka, nama saya Wisnu Wardhana, Saya adalah seorang SEO Specialist dengan lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman dalam industri digital marketing. Selama bertahun-tahun, saya telah membantu berbagai perusahaan, mulai dari startup hingga perusahaan besar, untuk meningkatkan visibilitas online mereka dan mencapai tujuan bisnis melalui strategi optimasi mesin pencari yang efektif.
Saya memiliki keahlian dalam analisis kata kunci, optimasi on-page, pembuatan konten berkualitas, dan pengembangan strategi backlink yang kuat. Dengan pemahaman mendalam tentang algoritma mesin pencari dan tren terbaru dalam SEO, saya selalu berusaha untuk memberikan solusi yang inovatif dan hasil yang terukur bagi klien saya.
Di blog ini, saya akan berbagi wawasan, tips, dan praktik terbaik seputar SEO yang dapat membantu Anda memahami dan menerapkan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs web Anda. Mari kita jelajahi dunia SEO bersama dan capai kesuksesan online yang lebih besar!
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi profil saya. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau ingin berdiskusi lebih lanjut tentang SEO!