
The Advantages of Using Shopee Ads For Your Business

December 9, 2024

The Current Digital Development Drives Business Owners to Leverage Technology.One area where technology is increasingly helping businesses is digital marketing, which is considered more effective due to its ability to reach a wider market segment. One such tool is Shopee Ads. Here’s a brief explanation.

What is Shopee Ads?

Shopee is known as one of the largest marketplaces that dominates Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. You can easily find all sorts of daily needs products on Shopee. Interestingly, many MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) have grown with the help of online stores opened on platforms like Shopee.

However, just having an online store is not enough. You also need a solid marketing strategy to make your online store more recognizable. In addition to providing the feature to open sales through online stores, Shopee also offers an advertising feature that you can use. Advertising on Shopee can be very effective in increasing the visibility of your online business.

Difference Between Shopee Ads and CPAS Shopee

Many people may still be confused about the difference between Shopee Ads and CPAS Shopee. Both advertising services are digital, but they have differences. Shopee Ads is a paid feature that helps make your products on Shopee more visible to other market segments.

On the other hand, CPAS (Collaborative Performance Advertising Solution) is a form of collaboration between Shopee and Facebook for digital advertising. This collaboration allows the products you advertise on Shopee to appear within Facebook’s network, increasing visibility among Facebook users.

Read Also: What is Facebook CPAS and its Benefits for Businesses

Advantages of Shopee Ads

1.Affordable Pricing

Running an online business by managing digital ads is widely used today, especially in the competitive business landscape where many companies are racing to adopt new technologies. One of the advantages of using Shopee Ads is that it offers affordable pricing. Digital ads are much more cost-effective compared to traditional ads, with better management for more optimal results.

2.Large Potential

Another benefit of using Shopee Ads is its ability to reach a broader market segment. The Shopee platform has a large number of consumers, so the chances of your products being recognized by more users are higher. This can increase sales and transactions, which in turn boosts business profits.

3.Increase Product Visibility in Shopee Search

Another advantage of Shopee Ads is that it can help improve your product’s visibility within the Shopee marketplace. This is beneficial in driving more traffic to your online store and can be a great opportunity to attract new customers.

4.Easy Payment Method

Payment methods are one of the concerns for advertisers, especially those who are required to use a credit card. To activate ads, all you need to do is top up your Shopee Ads balance or buy an advertising package, ensuring you have enough balance for your ads.

Types of Shopee Ads

Shopee Ads not only promotes products but also offers different ad types depending on the object you want to promote. You can choose the type of ad that suits your goals.

A. Product Search Ads

One type of ad offered by Shopee is Product Search Ads. This type of ad appears when a buyer types a keyword to search for a product. If someone types a keyword similar to your product, your ad will appear on the results page based on the popularity of your product.

B. Store Search Ads

Another type of ad is the Store Search Ad. This type will help display your store at the top of the search page. By using this ad, you also have the option to optimize the tagline and images for your ad.

C. Similar Product Ads

Shopee also offers Similar Product Ads. This type of ad will display your product to buyers who are looking for similar items. It will appear in the recommendation sections such as the homepage, Shopee Feed, “You May Also Like” page, and more.

D. Automatic Product Ads

These are keyword-based ads that will automatically display your ad on the main page in the search column. These ads typically appear next to products viewed by potential buyers.

E. Strategic Page Ads

Another type of ad is the Strategic Page Ad. This type of ad provides the highest exposure. It uses a banner placed on the homepage, and this can direct customers to your store’s homepage.

Shopee Ads Costs

Shopee does not set a minimum or maximum cost for ads. The cost of advertising on Shopee will vary depending on the type of ad or the bid amount you choose for displaying your product to buyers. The budget required for advertising depends on your strategy.

1.Product Search Ads Costs

For Product Search Ads, the minimum cost per click is IDR 200 for both broad and specific match types. The maximum cost per click is IDR 12,000 for both broad and specific match types.

2.Store Search Ads Costs

For Store Search Ads, the minimum cost per click is IDR 240 for broad match and IDR 200 for specific match. The maximum cost is IDR 6,000 for broad match and IDR 5,000 for specific match.

3.Similar Product Ads Costs

For Similar Product Ads, the minimum cost per click is IDR 150 for both broad and specific match types. The maximum cost is IDR 5,000 for both broad and specific match types.


That’s a brief overview of advertising on one of the largest marketplaces in Indonesia, Shopee. Shopee Ads, using digital methods, can effectively reach a wider market segment. This is especially crucial in today’s technology-driven business environment.

However, did you know that most stores activate and run ads automatically, which can result in unclear and inconsistent conversion rates, reducing the effectiveness of the ads, leading to losses? This happens due to a lack of research and optimization of keywords and product content.

To win the competition against other advertisers or organic sellers, besides choosing manual Shopee Ads and selecting the right search terms for your products, other details need attention, such as product photo design, titles, prices, bidding, reputation, copywriting, product details pages, promotions, etc. This requires a skilled and experienced team for thorough research.

Has your business started using Shopee Ads? Or are you looking to grow your business by using it? Today, placing ads on Shopee is easier, with maximum results. Through Doxadigital’s Shopee Ads services, ad placements and optimization are made easy, providing high-quality results. Free Consultation!

Wisnu Wardhana SEO Specialist
( SEO Specialist )

Halo! Perkenalka, nama saya Wisnu Wardhana, Saya adalah seorang SEO Specialist dengan lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman dalam industri digital marketing. Selama bertahun-tahun, saya telah membantu berbagai perusahaan, mulai dari startup hingga perusahaan besar, untuk meningkatkan visibilitas online mereka dan mencapai tujuan bisnis melalui strategi optimasi mesin pencari yang efektif.

Saya memiliki keahlian dalam analisis kata kunci, optimasi on-page, pembuatan konten berkualitas, dan pengembangan strategi backlink yang kuat. Dengan pemahaman mendalam tentang algoritma mesin pencari dan tren terbaru dalam SEO, saya selalu berusaha untuk memberikan solusi yang inovatif dan hasil yang terukur bagi klien saya.

Di blog ini, saya akan berbagi wawasan, tips, dan praktik terbaik seputar SEO yang dapat membantu Anda memahami dan menerapkan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs web Anda. Mari kita jelajahi dunia SEO bersama dan capai kesuksesan online yang lebih besar!

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi profil saya. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau ingin berdiskusi lebih lanjut tentang SEO!

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