Twitter has been actively improving its features in recent months. Recently, Twitter updated the way conversations on a Tweet are displayed by grouping and highlighting certain replies deemed interesting, making discussions easier to follow.
Read more: Making conversations easier to follow on the Tweet page
To enhance user safety, Twitter introduced a feature that allows users to share their block lists with others, fostering a safer environment on the platform.
Read more: Sharing block lists to help make Twitter safer
Good news for mobile app advertisers! Twitter has launched a new tool that enables advertisers to reach users based on the categories of apps installed on their mobile devices or apps they may be interested in.
Read more: Introducing installed app category targeting: a new way to target users and gain insights into mobile app campaigns
Facebook has introduced Place Tips, a feature designed for business owners. Place Tips aggregates information about a business or location—such as posts from the business’s fan page, upcoming events, friend recommendations, and check-ins—and displays it at the top of the News Feed for nearby visitors.
Read more: Place Tips: A Valuable Page Tool for Local Businesses
On June 12, Google announced the upcoming launch of YouTube Gaming, an app specifically created for gamers. The app will include live streaming and aims to establish itself as the largest online community for gamers.
Read more: Google Takes on Twitch With a New YouTube App Built for Gamers
What do you think of these updates? Have you had the chance to try out these new features yet