Doxa Tips

Introduction to Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics

December 9, 2024

Types of Cohort Studies

1.Prospective Cohort
This study is conducted according to a pre-established plan and is carried out over a specific period of time in the future.

2.Retrospective Cohort                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Unlike the prospective type, a Retrospective Cohort study is conducted by identifying existing data to determine risk factors for a particular condition.

Read More: URL Tagging with Google Analytics

Implementation and Case Studies of Cohorts

As mentioned above, there are many cases where cohort studies can be applied. Some general examples of cohort cases include:

  • People attending at a specific time
  • Student graduation rankings
  • Studies about pharmaceuticals
  • Software trials

In Web Analytics, cohorts are often grouped by date. Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics allows you to compare specific groups by time or behavior, which helps in making comparisons of their actions.

In the video below, we explain what Cohort Analysis is in Web Analytics, along with an introduction to Cohorts in Google Analytics.

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So, how will you utilise Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics for your business?



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