Here’s why GDN is the best choice – Doxa Webinar ‘Sales & Profit with Google Display Network’

Some time ago, the Doxa team held another webinar series event. This month, the theme of the webinar was ‘Sales & Profit with Google Display Network’. As you know, Google Display Network a.k.a GDN is the best advertising platform with an advertising network reaching 2 million websites and can reach 90% of the world’s internet users.
Well, on this occasion, the two speakers Benny Ho and Riky Yohanes also shared their initial experience of using the Google Display Network to increase business sales. According to them, there are several things that become the ‘added value’ of a GDN being able to be the best choice as a platform for advertising and increasing sales. Some of them are:
1. GDN is the best advertising platform
2. It has multi-targeting features that include location targeting, time targeting, device targeting, people targeting, content targeting, and automated targeting.
3. Highly varied ad formats
4. Reach 90% of the world’s internet users
5. Advertising network that reaches 2 million websites
And there are many other discussions that are discussed. If you want to see the full video, click the link here.
Does anyone want to add more about the advantages and benefits of using GDN or maybe someone wants to share their success story of making GDN as an advertising platform for their business. Let’s write it down in the comment section.